Monday, May 10, 2010

Words without thoughts never to heaven go.

William Shakespeare has over 800 credits to his name on the Internet Movie Database web site. That is truly mind boggling to me. Apparently, he holds the record for having the most screen adaptations by a single author. Stephen King, who holds the record for most adaptations by a living author, has close to 150, not a very impressive number in comparison. Shakespeare lived, wrote, loved and died over 400 years ago and yet the stories he created still resonate with audiences today. Now that’s what I call talent. Who will remember my name even a century from now, beyond my great grandchildren if I happen to have any?
He is considered by many to be one of the, if not THE, greatest writers of all time. I enjoy both his work and the works he has unknowingly inspired. Not only do I enjoy his play, The Taming of the Shrew, I also like the musical inspired by it, Kiss Me, Kate and I love the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, which is a modern retelling of it. I have watched numerous versions of Shakespeare’s work on film and though his work is old, his words are still fresh. Nobody writes like Shakespeare. There is no playwright living today who writes lines that can be delivered with more passion than the dialogue written by Shakespeare. Do you think he knew, even then, what an impact he would have on the world? I would love to make such a lasting impression. To leave something behind that said I lived. An everlasting I was here. I better work on that. Life is too short to only think of what you want, eventually you have to go out and do it.

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