Saturday, May 8, 2010

I write and I write and I... you get the picture.

I am at this moment taking a break from writing an impossible paper. I know, I know, who writes when taking a break from writing? I can't even necessarily say that the difference lies in the category of business or pleasure because, though it may not seem like it, this blog is all business. But as far as work goes, it definitely provides more pleasure than most. Though this blog is supposed to remain within the realm of the literary (literary realm?) I have nothing truly literary to write about... though I did open with a sentence about writing. Minus the books I have read for school, those would be the books I've previously written about, I have not been able to read for pleasure in months! And there in lies my topic for literary discussion. I have rambled my way into an acceptable literary blog, how I long for summer so that I can lay out at the beach and read! I have 30 unread books just sitting on my shelf, calling me constantly, their spines straight and standing at attention hoping that one day I'll be able to actually give them attention. Oh books, how I miss you. One day soon we’ll be reunited. Specifically, in three weeks. I graduate then and will have tons of free time to get reacquainted with the books on my shelves. But until then, I have to focus on that other thing I have been neglecting for weeks—homework. So back I go to continue writing my paper…who am I kidding? I’m going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on this. I cannot wait until graduation so I can make trips to the library and read, read, read. I also have a few books stacked up on the floor next to my bookshelf waiting for school to be out. In two weeks, I shall be free to read them. Hang in there!
