Monday, May 10, 2010

So long and farewell

This is my last blog post for my Literature Editing and Publishing class. It’s a little bittersweet to realize that the semester is almost over and with it the end of my college career. As much as I dislike homework I know that I’ll miss all the class discussions, the fellow students and even most of the teachers. Whenever I walk on campus these days it hits me that I am finally nearing the end of what has been a very long and windy road. Oh college, I’ll miss you.
            I have no idea if I’ll keep up with this blog, or even if I’ll start a new one just to keep in the habit of writing. It’s been an experience that I have loved and loathed for the past couple of months. I have enjoyed being able to write about the things that I love but at the same time I feel that much of my writing is forced. This blog is a must-do, which in a lot of ways sours my enjoyment in the writing process. As much as I love to talk, I do realize that I don’t always have that much to say.
            I think I will continue to blog. I have enjoyed the experience more often than not. Why give up on a good thing? It’s most likely true that not that many people will read it, but I don’t need an audience. I can write for myself. I think that’s when I do some of my best writing anyway.

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