Monday, April 5, 2010

Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.

I love to vent. When I get angry, I like nothing better than to talk someone else's ear off about how angry I am. I like relating how so and so has done me wrong. I like feeling justified in my anger. What I don't like is actually feeling angry. Anger is such a tiresome emotion that causes you to say and do hurtful things that you regret almost the instant you say or do them. I have a roommate who I constantly fight with, and I've found that the way for me to avoid regretful words is to write. I take all the hurtful, angry words that I want to shout in her face and I write them down in a very nasty note. A note filled with all the bitter emotions that come simmering to the surface and spewing forth like molten lava from fingers fighting the urge to curl into a fist. My writing is honest. It holds nothing back. My angry tears may stain the surface, while the dark lead marks show with what conviction I write my words. It's my passive aggressive form of confrontation. After I have finished writing my scathing retort to whatever altercation we just had I put the note some place she is sure is to find it and I walk away. Five minutes later of course I walk back and I tear it up, in a clearer frame of mind then I was at the time I was writing it. When I see my friend again, for she really is a very good friend, not just a roommate, I can talk to her about whatever issue we were having in a mature and respectful manner. The childish, mean-spirited Susan is torn up and thrown in the wastebasket and the adult Susan lives in harmony with her roommate for another day. Who knew that writing was the key to successful friendship? 

1 comment:

  1. Thats a really good idea! Though I would be tempted to leave the note!
