Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Men Love Bitches??

"From Doormat to Dreamgirl—A Woman’s Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship."

I have not read this book all the way through. To be honest I’ve only read a few of the bullet points but two of my friends are currently reading it and they swear that every word of it is truth.
Sherry Argov, a radio personality in Southern California at the time she wrote this book, asks the question, why do men like bitches? She doesn’t mean that men love women who are, well, bitches, but women who have confidence, who are independent thinkers, and who play by their own rules. Or, if you really think about it, women who play by her rules, all one hundred of her so-called “Attraction Principles.” I know that you are dying to read some examples, so here are a few:

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #5—If you start out dependent, it turns him off. But if it is something he can’t have, it becomes more of a challenge for him to get it.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #10—When a woman doesn’t give in easily and doesn’t appear docile or submissive, it becomes more stimulating to obtain her.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #18—Always give the appearance that he has plenty of space. It gets him to drop his guard.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #37—If you give him a feeling of power, he’ll want to protect you and he’ll want to give you the world.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #74—Men often automatically assume that a bitchier woman will be more assertive in bed, and that a nice girl will be more timid.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #76—He’ll never respect you as being able to hold your own unless you can stand on your own two feet financially.

ATTRACTION PRINCIPLE #99—Truly powerful people don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage someone who doesn’t give it to them.

She discusses phone etiquette, what to do when planning a date, how to keep a man interested in bed. Basically, when a potential romantic interest calls or texts you don’t answer right away, give it a few hours, maybe a day. That way he’ll think you’re not that interested and he’ll work harder to attract you. If he asks you to go out that night, tell him you’re busy and that you’re available at some specific future date and time. Never accept a date that is made on short notice. This makes you seem too available.
It’s a game. All Argov is doing is giving you rules to win what she perceives to be the dating game.
My best friend read this book and thought it was genius. She is an avid consumer of self-help literature, but she reads these works and does not apply these rules to her life. The fact is, maybe it helps to know the rules but knowing doesn’t change who you are. You can be shown the light and still shy away from it. We all turn to the familiar. We follow comfortable patterns. Books like this are great at showing readers new possibilities. What they don’t do is guarantee that following these rules will bring about real change. Though the old ways of doing things haven’t worked, its easier to think that some day they will, that somewhere out there someone will like you for the way you are, and not for the game you play.

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