Sunday, January 31, 2010

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

I have always loved books. Some of my fondest memories as a child are of my mother reading to me in the car as we waited for school to start or her reading to me before I went to bed. If she wasn't reading to me, I had books on tape, a Teddy Ruxpin, or multiple siblings to badger into letting me sit on their lap while they read out loud whatever book I happened to put into their hands. 

When I learned to read on my own I would stay up all night reading books illuminated by a tiny book light trying not to bother my sister. I'm convinced this in some way contributed to the less than perfect eyesight that I have today... that and the close proximity I maintained to any television set I was watching.

Now that I'm an adult my love affair with books has only increased. I acquire books the way other girls acquire shoes or purses. I can't resist a good story, or a good deal. I'm an indiscriminate book lover. All I need is a good story- a well-written, interesting and entertaining story.

This is my own little corner of the internet, my own little space where I can express my thoughts about the things that matter to me. Hopefully, if you're choosing to read this blog these things matter to you as well.

So hello fellow bookworms! and goodbye... until next time.